Sunday, September 11, 2011


check out this gorgeous, sexy pair of spiked lita's by the amazing Jeffery Campbell!

i need a pair right now for my closest but of course it just has to be sold out in majority of places!

i cannot stop staring at this beautiful, precious, amazing, and everything else of a shoe!

i am already piecing outfits together with these killer heels.

later loves

1 comment:

  1. i love Jeffrey Campbell and the spike litas are awesome. i already have a pair of black lita so didn't buy these but i heard the spike litas are coming out in red, white and taupe so waiting for that :)

    great post.. love the background of your blog :)

    i can't seem to find your follow button, i'll try again later.. till then drop by my blog and please follow if you like!

